Call: 020 3583 5450



About Brakes:


It is important as to ensure that your braking system is maintained and operating at optimum levels.

Like all components, brakes and indeed braking performance deteriorate over time and because it happens gradually, many people don't notice the difference in their braking system. Having your brakes checked regularly could also save you time and money by preventing damage to other components.


Free Brake Check


If you are concerned about the performance of your brakes then call to book an appointment for a free, no-obligation brake inspection.

After the inspection, we will provide you with a written brake report and quote for any work required


Call 020 8533 2786 for a quote or for more info.






Hackney Service Centre
Arch 437, 16, Marcon Place

Hackney, London

E8 1LP

Tel: 020 3583 5450


Car Servicing In Hackney

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